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For mobile open the site in your wallet app browser, the UI might looks slightly different but the steps and settings are not different from desktop.
Connect your wallet via the wallet connector on the top right corner of the page.
Use the search bar to find a specific token name if the token is not shown in the token launch list.
Find the token you wish to participate in minting and click on it to visit the mint page.
Once you are on the mint page you can choose the mint settings for the desired mint attempts per block you wish to perform.
When the mint becomes active is active you can start minting by simply clicking the mint button and approving the transaction popup in your wallet app.
Also you can see various stats on the mint page such as your mint attempts, how much SOL you paid, how many mints you've won and global mint stats regarding the token mint process. That information is being updated live as the mint goes so you can keep track on your progress and take decisions on your tactics going further in the mint process.
You can choose from preset setting allowing you to chose from 1, 10, 25 or 100 attempts per block, or you can input a custom number of your choosing.
How to save your custom settings, click on the custom button and put a checkmark in the box next to the custom number input box.
How to redeem your tokens.
You will be able to redeem the tokens you've won right after the mint ends and the token has been launched, the mint button will transform into redeem button, click on it and approve the transaction popups that will appear in your wallet app!
There might be multiple redeem transaction popups that you might be asked to approve before you redeem all the tokens you've minted, make sure all tokens are redeemed before you leave the page, however if you didn't redeem all tokens you can come back at any time and redeem them!